SES Principal

brittany dlabaj and her family

Brittany Dlabaj

Sunnyvale Elementary School



I am so excited for the 2022-2023 school year at SES!!! I cannot wait to welcome our little Raiders back into the building! I am always here to help students and parents with anything and everything to ensure a successful school year. This is going to the best year yet!
A little about me...I am going into my 18th year in education, and 13th year as an administrator. This will be the start of my 8th year in SISD. My husband, James, and I were high school sweethearts and have been married for the past 18 years! We have two amazing boys, Owen and Eli. Owen is in tenth grade, and Eli is in eighth grade. Our lives are filled with sports, sports and more sports! We love living in Sunnyvale and being part of Raider Nation! What I love most about a new school year is the fresh start! The ability to wipe the slate clean and start new. My hope is that every child and adult that walks through our front doors, leaves knowing that they matter. We want to build a strong school community together and I truly believe that this begins with relationships. I want your child to walk away from the 2022-2023 school year not only having grown leaps and bounds academically, but also knowing what it truly means to "Be A Raider"
I am looking forward to getting to know all of our new students, as well as see all of our returning Raiders at SES! Please email or call me anytime with questions or concerns!