Melanie McCook

Melanie McCook


(972) 203-4600

Hello Artistic Raiders and Welcome!

 My name is Melanie McCook and I am excited to be here another year! I did get married in June 2019 and am known by Mrs. Phelps by my previous students.  I earned my bachelors in Visual Studies from University of North Texas in 2007 and my Masters of ART Education from Texas Tech in 2014. I have 2 years of teaching experience in Mesquite and been teaching in Sunnyvale since 2009. I have experience in a variety of media and my personal artwork focuses on motorcyles as well as remaking furniture and more. 

 I believe everyone is an artist and enjoy teaching my students the fundamentals of art along with encouraging them to pursue more advanced techniques. Art is related to everything, therefore if you have an can be related to art in some way. I look forward to inspiring your child and working with you to help them be successful! Art is a place where your child can learn with fun new ways. Besides learning processes of art making and expressing themselves, students will be learning about other subjects such as: history, math, science, and writing, while learning art. 

Art has 1 main art contest called Vase and is a competition where the student are judged on their artwork which I strongly support. The event is in Febuary on a Saturday close by.  

I love Art and think I have the best job ever! I hope I can show your child what can be done with it and to inspire them. 

Please feel free to contact me for I would love to hear from you and to be part of your team to make your child more successful. 


Melanie McCook