Gifted and Talented

Sunnyvale Independent School District recognizes the individual differences in abilities, needs and interests of the school population it serves. A sound instructional program for Sunnyvale ISD students includes a program for gifted and talented learners. These students can benefit from instruction that develops and challenges their unique abilities in an environment that fosters creativity and productivity.Recognizing that gifted students possess distinct characteristics and needs, Sunnyvale ISD commits itself to provide a quality, optimal educational experience for each gifted and talented student.

Sunnyvale Elementary School Contact:
Courtney Bryan

Sunnyvale Intermediate School
Kathy Underwood
(972) 203-8406

Sunnyvale Middle School Contact:
Ashlyn Geer

Sunnyvale Elementary School and

Sunnyvale Intermediate School

Gifted and Talented Program

Sunnyvale Independent School District recognizes the individual differences in abilities, needs and interests of the school population it serves. A sound instructional program for Sunnyvale ISD students includes a program for gifted and talented learners. These students can benefit from instruction that develops and challenges their unique abilities in an environment that fosters creativity and productivity. Recognizing that gifted students possess distinct characteristics and needs, Sunnyvale ISD commits itself to provide a quality, optimal educational experience for each gifted and talented student.

Sunnyvale Elementary Contact:
Courtney Bryan

Sunnyvale Intermediate School Contact:
Kathy Underwood
(972) 203-8406

Gifted and Talented Program Placement

A parent/guardian, teacher, counselor, or other interested persons may nominate a student for the gifted and talented program by completing a Referral Form. Data collected through both objective and subjective assessments shall be measured against the criteria approved by the Board to determine individual eligibility for the program. Assessment tools may include but not limited to the following: achievement tests, intelligence tests, behavioral checklists completed by teachers, teacher nominations based on classroom observations, and student work products, if available.

Parental Consent
Written parental consent shall be obtained before any special testing or individual assessment is conducted as part of the screening and identification process. All student information collected during the screening and identification process shall be an educational record, subject to the protections set out in policies at FL.

The Selection Committee
A selection committee shall evaluate each nominated student according to the established criteria and shall select those students for whom gifted program placement is the most appropriate educational setting. The committee shall be composed of at least three professional educators who have received training in the nature and needs of gifted students and shall be established for the Elementary Campus.

Parent Notification
Parents will be notified in writing of the Selection Committee’s decision. Participation in any program or services provided for the gifted students is voluntary. The District shall obtain written permission of the student and the parents before a student is placed in a gifted program.

Parents may appeal any final decision of the selection committee regarding selection for or removal from the gifted program. Appeal shall be made first to the selection committee. Any subsequent appeals shall be made in accordance with FNG (LOCAL) beginning at Level Two.

Upon written request of the parent/guardian, a student may be granted a leave of absence from the gifted and talented services. A furlough may be granted for reasons such as class schedule conflicts, student illness, serious illness or death of a family member, and short-term relocation of the family. The selection committee may also place students who are unable to maintain satisfactory performance within the structure of the gifted and talented program on furlough. The purpose of such a furlough is to provide the student an opportunity to attain performance goals established by the selection committee.

A student may be furloughed for a period of time deemed appropriate by the selection committee. At the end of the furlough, the student’s progress shall be reassessed, and the student may reenter the gifted and talented program, be removed from the program, or be placed on another furlough.

No Reassessments
The District shall not perform routine assessments.

Transfer Students
When a student identified as gifted by a previous school district transfers into the District, the student’s records shall be reviewed by the selection committee to determine if placement in the District’s program for gifted and talented students is appropriate.

The committee shall make its determination within 30 days of the student’s enrollment in the District and shall base its decision on the transferred records, and observation reports of District teachers who instruct the student, and student and parent conferences.

[See FDD(LEGAL) for information regarding transfer students and the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children]

Exit Provisions
Student performance in the program shall be monitored. A student shall be removed from the program at any time the selection committee determines it is in the student’s best interest. If a student or parent requests removal from the program, the selection committee shall meet with the parent and student before honoring the request.

Program Evaluation
The gifted program shall be evaluated periodically, and evaluation information shall be shared with Board members, administrators, teachers, counselors, students in the gifted and talented program and the community.

Community Awareness
The District shall ensure that information about the District’s gifted and talented program is available to parents and community members and that the have an opportunity to develop an understanding of and support for the program.

Is My Child ...

High Achieving Gifted Learner

SES Gifted and Talented Referral Form

SES and SIS Gifted and Talented Testing Schedule

testing windows

Sunnyvale Middle School School

Sunnyvale Middle School GT Program

GT students at the middle school will participate in a once a week pull out program during flextime. Students will complete a research project that highlights their interests and strengths. This project is assigned early in the fall and is due late in the spring to ensure the workload is manageable for a middle school student. Students will also complete various enrichment units that support the EXPLORE theme this year.

Students have been divided into the following groups. Each group will be pulled on a different day during flextime and has been assigned their own google classroom. 

6th grade (group A)

6th grade (group B)

7th grade (group C)

8th grade (group D)

Students will enter guardians email addresses into the contact information form in google classroom for updates and communication. 


Testing for the gifted and talented program will occur twice a year: Sept/Oct. and April/May. Students qualifying in the fall will begin the GT program in January, and students qualifying in the spring will start the GT program next fall.

Both parents and teachers may submit recommendations for testing. This referral form can be found below and can be returned to