Meal Prices - All Campuses
Meal Prices and Al La Carte Prices - All Campuses
Meal Prices All Campuses
Elementary & Intermediate Student Lunch $2.85
Middle & High School Student Lunch $3.10
Guest and Staff Lunch $4.35
All Schools Reduced Price Lunch $0.40
A Lunch Meal includes:
1- Entree w/ Bread component
2- Selection of Vegetables
1-Selections Fruit
1- Choice of White or Chocolate Milk
*Students must select at least three items. On items must be a full serving of fruit or vegetables.
Elementary & Intermediate Student Breakfast - $1.80
Middle & High School Student Breakfast - $2.05
Guest or Staff Breakfast $2.75
All Schools Reduced Price Breakfast $0.40
A Breakfast Meal includes:1- Breakfast Entree or Breakfast Cereal with Graham crackers (counts as 2 items)
1-Fruit or Fruit Juice
1- Milk
Students must select three items.
One item must be a full serving of fruit or juice.
A La Carte Options By Campus
SES A La Carte

SIS A La Carte

SMS A La Carte

SHS A La Carte