Sunnyvale ISD Safety & Security

District Safety Overview:

Safety is a top priority for Sunnyvale ISD, and we will do everything in our power to ensure the safety of our students and staff.

  • Every Sunnyvale ISD campus has visitor screening/sign-in procedures; visitors must present identification and are run through a system that provides alerts for registered sex offenders. 

  • A criminal background check is conducted on all Sunnyvale ISD volunteers and employees.  

  • All employees wear Sunnyvale ISD photo identification badges.

  • Secondary campuses have a Sunnyvale Police Officer present throughout the day. Elementary campuses have a full-time School Marshal and Sunnyvale Police as first responders.

  • All campuses have video surveillance cameras on the interior and exterior of the building. 

  • Sunnyvale ISD utilizes an emergency notification system to communicate with staff and parents through either emails or phone calls, whichever is most appropriate for the situation. 

  • Sunnyvale ISD schools have regular safety drills involving students and staff throughout the school year.

  • The district has an Emergency Operations Plan that is evaluated and updated regularly.

  • Sunnyvale ISD consults regularly with local law enforcement and first responders about school safety.

  • Every year, the district does security audits throughout the district that is required by the state.

Our Vision:

Our vision is centered on the application of emergency management and continuity of operations principles and best practices endorsed by the Texas School Safety Center and the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Supportive Schools/Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance Center. This vision is refined through routine hazard and risk assessments, annual maintenance of district and campus emergency operations plans, and ongoing training to ensure district readiness.

Our Goals:

  •  To ensure the life safety of Sunnyvale ISD students, staff, and visitors.

  •  To preserve Sunnyvale ISD property.

  •  To facilitate rapid incident stabilization by applying proven all-hazard incident management techniques, including the coordinated organization and deployment of Sunnyvale ISD resources (personnel, supplies, equipment, and facilities).

  •  To guide the transition to recovery after an incident or emergency.