Gold Coins Used in the New SMS Gold Coin Day Reward Program

Middle school students who show good behavior are being rewarded at SMS.

A new program called, “Gold Coin Day,” is giving students who demonstrate positive behavior and character traits, such as good grades, good behavior, kindness to peers, and participation in extracurricular activities an opportunity to be celebrated for their hard work and good behavior.

Gold Coins - while note actual gold - are a token of recognition from SMS teachers. Over a two-week period, every staff member at Sunnyvale Middle School has a gold coin to give to one deserving student. 

The goal of Gold Coin Day is to encourage students to demonstrate positive behavior and character traits, such as good grades, good behavior, kindness to peers, and participation in extracurricular activities. Any student who a staff member feels always does a great job in these areas is eligible to receive a gold coin.

“At the end of the three week period, students who receive a coion are rewarded with free time during Power Block and the first 30 minutes of 5th period,” Assistant Principal Angela Teel said. “Students get to hang out in the admin gym or outside the admin gym, play games, hang out with friends, and have treats such as ice cream sandwiches and sodas.”

The best part of this reward program is that it recognizes and celebrates individual students for their hard work and good character, setting an example for others to follow. Students who receive a Gold Coin feel proud of themselves and motivated to continue to work hard and demonstrate positive behavior in the future.

“We have seen a positive change in climate and culture on campus because most students are striving for a gold coin,” Teel said. “When staff hands out their gold coin, they are reinforcing with students “why” they deserve the gold coin and their peers see the positive interactions.”