Ali Bryant and Brittany Dlabaj
  1. How long have you been an educator? 

I have completed 30 years in education.

  1. Where have you worked? In what roles?

In Mesquite, I was a first grade teacher for 12 years. I also taught second grade for 2 years and third grade 1 year in Mesquite. In Sunnyvale, I became a 5th grade teacher for 3 years. I then became the RTI Specialist.  After my teaching years, I became the Academic Administrator for SES.  Eventually, this position changed to an Assistant Principal.

  1. What is the best part of being an educator?

“The best thing about being a teacher is that it matters. The hardest thing about being a teacher is that it matters every day.”  Todd Whitaker

The best part of being an educator is the relationships you build with students and teachers.  We must remember that this is what really matters.  Relationships build a thriving classroom/campus environment.

  1. What is your favorite memory of working in Sunnyvale ISD?

My favorite memories of SISD are all tied together and are best described in one word, family.  Each classroom is a family. Each teaching team is a family. Each campus is a family. And all of these come together as our RAIDER FAMILY. It is easy to take for granted, therefore it is so important to reflect on and be grateful for what makes SV so special.     

  1. What advice would you give to a brand new teacher?

Do not underestimate the importance of relationships.  It is well worth the time and effort to get to know your students, parents and campus family.  People notice when you care about them.  Showing others that you value them and care builds a trusting environment. This should create a positive environment where everyone can learn and grow, students and adults alike.

  1. What are your plans for retirement? 

I would like to continue being with kids in some capacity: we will see what that looks like eventually.  Ernie and I also look forward to being able to visit our sons (Beau, 26 and Luke, 24) who are both out of state for their seminary studies.