Be A Raider: SMS Raiders Learn Valuable Lessons in Character, Respect

This feature is featured in the January 2024 issue of Horizons, SISD's magazine.

Middle school Raider are learning valuable character lessons in their monthly, “Be a Raider” meetings.

“Once a month, Mr. Thompson and I meet with each grade level separately over a three-week period to discuss topics relevant to middle school students and SMS,” SMS Assistant Principal Angela Teel said. “So far, we have had a few guest speakers that include tw Sunnyvale Firemen, Coach John Settle, and Coach Bria Johnson. Teachers also come take part in talks about how to Be a Raider around SMS.”

The goal of the “Be a Raider” meetings is to build character among middle school Raiders and to provide them with helpful interpersonal skills that will ultimately help them become productive citizens. Meeting topics vary, but center around soft skills and character development.

“So far, our ‘Be a Raider’ meetings have included topics like campus expectations, digital citizenship, speaking life, giving respect, taking responsibility, being kind, communicating effectively, problem solving, what it takes to be a leader, teamwork, setting goals, accountability, character (doing the right thing when nobody's watching),” Teel said.

Teel said that it’s important for students understand the expectations of what it means to be a student in Sunnyvale ISD.

“Each student represents SISD in everything they do,” she said. “We want the to be proud to be a Sunnyvale Raider and show that having good character helps the RISE above.”

SMS Counselor Jere Medina follows the “Be a Raider” meetings with guidance lessons that are conducted through Science classes. Teel says that she has already noticed a shift in attitude around campus since the meetings have started.

“Students show more respect towards each other and towards adults,” she said. “They also show more respect for campus expectations.”