Debate Team members work on a project in class.

After five Raiders advanced to state this year, the SHS Debate Team is now ranked one of the top eight programs in the state. Two students made state appearances in Student Congress, two in CX Debate and one in Lincoln-Douglas Debate, making SHS Debate now an elite school activity.

“My students are hands-down the best part of my job - it’s fun to work with people who are so clever and kind,” current adviser Camille Bales said. “I became a teacher because I wanted to empower young people to see themselves as intelligent, capable individuals who have meaningful things to share, but I never imagined it could happen like this, on this scale. It’s the students, ultimately, who have made this program what it is. I’ve been so fortunate to be part of it.”

The team meets daily and is part of an overall debate program offering two courses: Debate I and Debate II-IV. Debate I is a survey of speech and debate, while Debate II-IV allows students to specialize through teacher-guided independent study. These classes are scheduled during the same period and the students function as a team, building their cases or speeches. 

Students attend invitational meets on Saturdays about once a month to prepare for competitions, with occasional workshops or after-school practices. Bales says she bases her expectations on patterns in performance.

“It’s okay to lose a round of debate as long as you learn from it and do better the next time,” Bales said. “We’re more concerned with patterns in performance than the outcome of a single round or a single tournament. Though winning is great, I’m more interested in nurturing the real-world skills that students will take with them after they’ve left Sunnyvale.”

Junior debater Morgan D’Elia, who qualified for state in LD last year and this year said she was drawn drawn to the class by her interest in argumentation, social issues, and public speaking. 

“My favorite part about being on the debate team is the people I get to work with,” D’Elia said. Debate has improved my ability to think critically and manage my time effectively. I’ve learned a lot about professionalism and objectivity, drastically improving my communication skills in every context. Debate has given me a safe space conducive to learning and self-growth.”