SHS Senior Fills Role on Varsity Coaching Staff

Coach Ryan Mathew juggles lots of duties as a Raider football coach.

One minute, he’s making the teams’ traditional “stomp mats” for players to stomp on as they leave the locker room. Next, he’s helping Coach Navaja with the quarterbacks. Then he’s editing film for the team’s HUDL account after flying the drone during practice—one of his main duties.

He does all this is all before he gets home to do his homework.

That’s right. Coach Ryan Mathew isn’t just a valued member of the Raider Football coaching staff, he’s a Raider himself — a member of the Class of 2024.

“I had a coach on my staff approach me and ask what I thought about Ryan being a part of our staff,” Athletic Director John Settle said. “ I thought it was a great idea. I had no idea at that time just how much a part of our staff that he would become. He comes to every practice, every meeting, every weekend coaches meetings, and is a part of our staff in every way. This year we were unable to fill a Middle School coaching position. Ryan has stepped in to fill that role for us and we could not be more excited for him and our profession."

Mathew, whose parents did not want him to play football because of safety reasons, has always had a passion for the game. During his freshman year at SHS, he shared some of his knowledge and ideas with Coach Zach Geer. Geer suggested he meet with former Coach John Broom.

“He asked me if I’d like to join the football team and help out in some way,” Mathew said. “I got to meet the coaches one summer afternoon and learned that I could fly the drone to film practices while also learning more about football and coaching. I thought it was very cool and so I decided to join the team and fly the drone. From there on, I have gone to all the practices and games and have helped the coaches in any way I could. What started as something small became something bigger than I thought it would ever be.”

Since then, Mathew has become an essential member of the SISD coaching staff and a true example of an SISD student who is being truly prepared for his future. By exposing Coach Mathew to this real-world coaching experience, the coaching staff has helped this Raider develop real-world skills.

And this year, Mathew is taking on a new duty that reflects upon his proven credibility within the coaching staff: a full-fledged coach for the SMS Raider football team.

“My favorite responsibility is being the middle school quarterbacks coach,” Mathew said. “I coach the QBs and teach them our offense and the fundamentals/ principles that will help set them up for success both now and in the future when they get to the varsity level. I work closely with the WRs Coach, Coach Taylor and we collaborate on the passing game of the offense at the Middle School. I am also the offensive play caller/offensive coordinator for the Gold Team.”

Mathew says his coaching passion is a definite part of his future plans.

“I would love to be a head football coach one day. I’m not sure about the level (high school, college, NFL) as I’m not worried or focused about that for now, but wherever God takes me I’ll go. This experience has been great regardless of what position I’ll be in the future (Head Coach, Coordinator, Position Coach, Assistant, etc) because I have learned what it takes to be a successful football coach.”

This article is from the 2022-2023 Sunnyvale ISD Community Report.