High School Project

2023-2024 REMIND FOR HSP
TEXT: @e67bha
TO: 81010

  • *Before* you begin working on your project you will meet with me individually. Please don't start on the a

    ssignments without meeting with me. We will be signing up for times to meet the week of October 4-8

Mandatory Due Dates

  • October 4 - October 8  - Meeting with HSP Advisor (Mrs. Tolleson) - there will be a signup genius sent via Remind and posted on HSP webpage to sign up for a time. 

  • October 27 - Completed Letter of Intent 

  • November 17 - ALL HSP Parent/Guardian Permission Forms 

  • March 1 - HSP Mentor Bio

  • March 1 - HSP Letter to the Judges 

  • March 22 HSP Cover Poster for binder 

  • March 22 - Self Evaluation

  • March 22 - Informational Brochure

  • March 29 - HSP Completed Portfolio 

  • April 12 - HSP Mentor Evaluation

You can access a PDF below of High School Project ideas for inspiration:

HPS Idea Sheet


A Portfolio will be compiled that includes all paperwork along the way, poster as a front cover and verification (pictures, letters, receipts, documents) of project. A full list of what should be in the portfolio can be found in the link below:

PDF - Portfolio Requirements

The purpose of the portfolio is to demonstrate the student’s learning and self-discovery from the High School Project. Before presenting to the Senior Board judges, they will preview the portfolio that has been prepared for them. This portfolio is a compilation of assignments done for the High School Project throughout the year and will provide a “sneak preview” of who the student is, what they did for their High School Project and what skills and learning they acquired. Based upon this initial introduction, the judges can then ask related questions during the question and answer period of the Senior Boards. Remember, the portfolio will give the judges a first impression of your work, and first impressions do count.

The most common form for a portfolio is a binder or report cover. It should include all the required documents listed in the PDF above. However, a portfolio is a personalized document and may take many different forms. No matter how it is assembled, it must contain ALL the required documents in the order specified in your Senior Portfolio Checklist. Feel free to add creative touches or enhancements that address the topic and reflect your personality.  Dividers are suggested to help organize the portfolio.


  1. Cover Page Poster - 8 ½” x 11” 

  2. Letter to the Senior Board Judges - typed - Letter to the judges is an informal letter of introduction. It gives the student the opportunity to tell the judges something about themselves. Follow the format for the Letter of Intent but the contents should be like a personal letter.  Leave out the address to the High School Project Advisor and address to the High School Project Judges. It is important for the judges to know any challenges or successes experienced. Some students have included academic achievements, sports, extra-curricular activities, family background, and future goals. This letter is an extremely important part of the portfolio.

  3. Letter of Intent - written at the beginning of the year. Clean copy with all corrections made.

  4. Informational Brochure - Completed, clean copy of the Informational Brochure.

  5. Mentor Bio - includes picture with mentor, along with qualifications to be mentor

  6. Mentor Log - includes documented meetings with mentor

  7. Student Activity Log

  8. Self-Evaluation

  9. Enhanced Contents - any documentation that backs up the project - emails, receipts, pictures, etc.



Grading Policy